When Can I Move My Baby To A Bed Frame

By | March 1, 2022

When Can I Move My Baby To A Bed Frame?

As your baby grows and develops, you'll need to make changes to their sleep environment to ensure their safety and comfort. One of these changes is moving them from a crib to a bed frame. But when is the right time to make this transition? Here are a few factors to consider:

Your baby's age and size: Most experts recommend waiting until your baby is at least 18 months old and weighs at least 25 pounds before moving them to a bed frame. This is because younger babies are more likely to fall out of bed, and heavier babies are less likely to be injured if they do fall.

Your baby's development: Your baby should also be able to sit up, stand, and walk before they move to a bed frame. This will help them to get in and out of bed safely.

Your baby's sleep habits: If your baby is a restless sleeper or tends to roll around in their sleep, you may want to wait until they are a little older before moving them to a bed frame. This will help to prevent them from falling out of bed.

Your home environment: If your home has hard floors or other potential hazards, you may want to wait until your baby is older and more coordinated before moving them to a bed frame.

Once you've decided that it's time to move your baby to a bed frame, here are a few tips to make the transition smooth:

  • Choose a bed frame that is low to the ground and has side rails to prevent your baby from falling out.
  • Place the bed frame in a safe location, away from windows, doors, and other hazards.
  • Use a firm mattress that is the right size for the bed frame.
  • Make sure the bed is made up with sheets and blankets that are snug but not too tight.
  • Supervise your baby closely when they are first using the bed frame.

Moving your baby to a bed frame is a big step, but it's one that can be made safely and smoothly with a little planning and preparation.

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