Is 6pm Too Early For 8 Month Old Bedtime

By | January 6, 2022

Is 6pm Too Early for 8-Month Old Bedtime?

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for an infant's overall well-being. However, determining the optimal bedtime can be a challenge, especially for first-time parents. One common question that arises is whether 6pm is an appropriate bedtime for an 8-month-old baby.

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the baby's individual sleep patterns, temperament, and daily schedule. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, this article explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of a 6pm bedtime for an 8-month-old baby, providing parents with information to make an informed decision.

Benefits of a 6pm Bedtime

  • Aligns with Natural Circadian Rhythm: Infants begin to develop a natural circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle, around 6-9 months. A 6pm bedtime aligns with the circadian rhythm by encouraging the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.
  • Reduces Night Wakings: A consistent bedtime helps regulate the baby's sleep cycle, making it less likely for them to wake up multiple times during the night.
  • Promotes Longer Nighttime Sleep: By establishing an early bedtime, babies have more time to accumulate longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep, which is essential for growth and development.

Drawbacks of a 6pm Bedtime

  • May Not Be Suitable for All Babies: Some babies may not naturally be ready for an early bedtime at 8 months. They may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep for extended periods.
  • Can Interfere with Evening Activities: A 6pm bedtime may limit the time available for evening activities, such as family dinners or social gatherings.
  • May Require Adjustment: If the baby is used to a later bedtime, transitioning to a 6pm bedtime may require gradual adjustment and consistency.

Factors to Consider

  • Baby's Sleep Patterns: Observe the baby's natural sleep rhythms. Do they tend to show signs of tiredness around 6pm? If not, an earlier bedtime may not be appropriate.
  • Temperament: Some babies are naturally more active and may not be ready for an early bedtime. Conversely, calmer babies may benefit from an earlier bedtime.
  • Daily Schedule: Consider the baby's overall daily schedule. If their nap times are erratic or they have long periods of wakefulness during the day, an early bedtime may not be suitable.

Tips for Establishing a 6pm Bedtime

  • Gradually Adjust Bedtime: If your baby is used to a later bedtime, gradually move it earlier by 15-30 minutes every few days until you reach 6pm.
  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Establish a consistent routine that signals bedtime, such as a warm bath, soothing massage, or quiet story time.
  • Optimize the Sleep Environment: Make sure the baby's room is dark, quiet, and a comfortable temperature. Consider using blackout curtains or a white noise machine.
  • Avoid Stimulating Activities: Limit screen time and avoid energetic play before bedtime.


Deciding whether 6pm is too early for an 8-month-old's bedtime requires careful consideration of the baby's individual needs and circumstances. While an early bedtime can offer certain benefits, it may not be appropriate for all babies. By observing the baby's sleep patterns, temperament, and daily schedule, parents can make an informed decision that best supports their baby's sleep and overall well-being. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions about your baby's sleep.

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