How to Make a Raised Bed Out of Pallets
Raised beds are a great way to extend the gardening season and protect your plants from pests and diseases. They are relatively easy and inexpensive to build, and can be made from a variety of materials. One popular option is to use pallets.
Pallets are free or inexpensive to acquire, and they are sturdy enough to support a garden bed. However, they are not rot resistant, so it is important to treat them with a sealant or paint before using them. You will also need to remove any nails or broken slats from the pallets before you start building.
To make a raised bed out of pallets, you will need the following materials:
To build the raised bed:
Your raised bed is now complete! Water the plants regularly and fertilize them according to the package directions.
Here are a few tips for making a raised bed out of pallets:
With a little care and attention, your raised bed will provide you with years of gardening enjoyment.

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